Crimes Legislation Amendment (Public Order) Bill 2017

  1. The Crimes Legislation Amendment (Public Order) Bill 2017 (the Bill) is intended to address concerns regarding violence at public demonstrations, in particular the commission of violent acts while wearing masks.
  2. Liberty Victoria provided a preliminary comment on public calls for laws to prohibit wearing a mask at protests, and for potentially mandatory or prescriptive sentences for those that commit violent acts at protests.

Inquiry into Youth Justice Centres in Victoria

Government should reject calls for a more punitive approach to child prisoners, and should focus on the promotion of the rehabilitation of children and the removal of children from detention.

'Swift and Certain’ Sentencing Of Family Violence Offenders In Victoria

Liberty Victoria is mindful of the profound, pervasive, often catastrophic impacts of family violence in Victoria, and the need to develop holistic and sustained strategies to prevent and reduce family violence. Our organisation’s core concern is maintaining a society in which people’s rights, freedoms and dignity are valued and protected.

Proposed Activities (Public Amenity and Security) Local Law 2017

In Liberty's view the City of Melbourne’s proposed Activities (Public Amenity and Security) Local Law 2017 (“Amending Laws”) are draconian in their nature and target some of the most vulnerable persons in our community.

Liberty Victoria has had the opportunity to read and consider the submissions of the Infringements Work Group (“IWG”).  We fully endorse those submissions which are consistent with the preservation of the human rights and civil liberties of persons in our community who suffer the misfortune of homelessness. (A link to this submission will be posted shortly.)

Bail Review

Liberty Victoria's submission to the Bail Review focuses on five topics related to the Bail Act 1977 (Vic):

  1. Who should make bail decisions?; 
  2. The construction of section 4 of the Bail Act; 
  3. The need for improved information-sharing;
  4. The need for bail support programs; and 
  5. The impact on indigenous accused persons.


The Use of Drones in Australia: An Agenda for Reform

Liberty Victoria and the unmanned systems industry are seeking answers to such questions as: is it legal for a neighbour to fly a drone over your backyard? Can you stop someone filming you from above at the beach?  

To mark the Privacy Awareness Week 2015, Liberty Victoria and the Australian Association for Unmanned Systems (AAUS) have detailed plans for reform in order to resolve these questions and tackle growing concern about the right to privacy at a time of increased private drone use.  

Liberty Victoria's Rights Advocacy Project

It is my great pleasure to announce today the launch of the brand new site  for

Inquiry into whistleblower protections in the corporate, public and not -for-profit sectors

A lot of what we know about the harm being caused by our immigration policies comes from whistleblowers. However, many stay silent, deterred from speaking out. Their silence is harmful. It is harmful to those in our care and to our democracy. Here is the submission YLLR made to the Senate Inquiry into Whistleblowing.

Proposed ‘Department of Homeland Security’ dangerous, wasteful and unnecessary

The rumoured plan to create a sprawling ‘Department of Homeland Security’ is dangerous, wasteful and unnecessary, warns human rights group Liberty Victoria.

Fairfax Media reported yesterday that Malcolm Turnbull is considering the creation of a US-style ‘Department of Homeland Security’, to be built around the Immigration Department. The mega-department would swallow up at least half a dozen other agencies, including the Australian Federal Police and ASIO.
