Liberty Victoria is strongly opposed to the amendments to the Corrections Act 1986 (Vic) (the Act) made by the Corrections Amendment (Parole) Act 2018 (Vic) (the amendments).
The effective imposition of imprisonment for life without parole constitutes cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and breaches fundamental human rights norms. People can rehabilitate. These amendments deny a class of offenders the basic human dignity of mercy, individual justice, and rehabilitation.
Liberty Victoria opposes the Bill which proposes an amendment to the Corrections Act 1986 (Vic) (the Act) by insertion of a new provision that would, in effect, render a prisoner serving a prison sentence for murder, or conspiracy to commit murder, ineligible for parole unless the Adult Parole Board (the Board) is satisfied that the prisoner has ‘cooperated satisfactorily in the investigation of the offence to identify the location, or last known location, of the remains of the victim of the offence’.