Inquiry Into The Use of Cannabis in Victoria

In our view the best way to protect the health of those adults who use cannabis, to protect public health and safety, and to prevent criminal activity relating to the illegal cannabis trade in Victoria, is to have a controlled legalisation of cannabis possession, use, and limited cultivation as has recently occurred in the ACT. This should be in combination with a responsible health and education-based response, as opposed to the current pathway into the criminal justice system.


Liberty Victoria deeply concerned about expanded use of Protective Services Officers in Victoria

Liberty Victoria deeply concerned about expanded use of Protective Services Officers in Victoria


Liberty Victoria is deeply concerned about the Government's desire to vastly widen the use of Protective Services Officers (PSO's) in areas around the state. PSO's were introduced to provide a visible presence of policing on the public transport network and associated areas. They are not members of Victoria Police. They have a limited role and receive far less training than members of Victoria Police. 



Liberty Victoria Voltaire Awards,

The Liberty Victoria Voltaire Human Rights Dinner is an important event in the human rights calendar in Australia.

Voltaire Award Dinner 2015

Peter Greste receives on behalf of his colleagues Baher Mohamed and Mohamed Fahmy Liberty Victoria's Voltaire Award 2015

On the 12th of September, at our annual fundraising dinner at the San Remo Ballroom, the Liberty Victoria 2015 Voltaire Award was made to the "three brothers", Al Jazeera journalists Peter Greste,

Submission in relation to the Inquiry into the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic)

Liberty Victoria is grateful for the opportunity to make this submission in relation to the inquiry into the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic). 

Freedom of information (FOI) is a fundamental human right in itself, and a touchstone for all other rights and freedoms exercised by individuals within a functioning democratic society.

To ensure the full enjoyment of this right, there must be “free communication of information and ideas about public and political issues between citizens, candidates and elected representatives”.

Comment on the Criminal Organisations Control Amendment Bill 2024

In relation to the Criminal Organisations Control Amendment Bill 2024 (Vic) (the Bill), Liberty Victoria opposes the Bill in its current form. We are deeply concerned that this Bill will result in the increasing normalisation of potentially draconian orders being made in circumstances where a person has not been convicted (or even charged) for a criminal offence. 

Liberty Victoria on Protest Rights

The freedom to protest is fundamental to democracy. Protesters have the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly under the Victorian Charter of Human Rights, and are protected by the implied freedom of political communication under our Constitution. 

Liberty Victoria calls on the State Government and Victoria Police to ensure that Victorians are able to protest freely.

We have seen shocking scenes of militarised police clashing with protesters in central Melbourne. Liberty Victoria denounces any and all violence used at the protest.

Liberty Victoria's Sophie Trevitt Human Rights Award Winner

This year's winner of the Sophie Trevitt Human Rights Award is Samara Fernandez-Brown, a Warlpiri woman from Yuendumu who has represented her family in their long running battle for justice and reform after her cousin, Kumanjayi Walker, was shot and killed by police in the Northern Territory in 2019. Samara became a leader of the Justice For Walker campaign throughout the criminal trial and coronial inquest.

Liberty Victoria Supports Murphy’s Law

The late Peta Murphy was a Committee Member of Liberty Victoria for years where she advocated for human rights. She continued that work in Parliament, including her advocacy for gambling reform and highlighting the harmful effects of gambling advertising.

Gambling can be addictive. When it is, it tears up families, causes financial hardship, mental health issues and sometimes those addicted to gambling end up committing offences to feed their habit.

LGBTQIA+ people deserve protection from discrimination

Liberty Victoria is disappointed by reports that the Federal Government has abandoned plans to introduce religious discrimination laws into Parliament. It is reported that as part of the abandoned plans, promises to protect LGBTIQA+ teachers and students have also been shelved.
If the Albanese Government reneges on its promise, religious organisations will retain the right to discriminate against LGBTQIA+ people under federal law. 
