Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Removal and Other Measures) Bill 2024

Liberty Victoria is appalled by the introduction of a Bill that, among other things, seeks to jail people for at least a year if they fail to assist with their own removal even where they are owed Australia’s non-refoulement obligations. The Bill also undoes protection findings to broaden who may be removed from Australia to the country from which they fled and excludes visa applications from countries left up to the Minister of the day to designate.

Joint CCLs letter re Migration Amendment Bill 2024

Tony Burke MP

Leader of the House

Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations

Minister for the Arts

Dear Mr Burke

We write as leading civil society organisations, reflecting a broad and diverse membership across Australia, to express our deep concern and disappointment regarding the recent introduction of the Migration Amendment (Removal and Other Measures) Bill 2024.

Inquiry into the Crimes Amendment (Strengthening the Criminal Justice Response to Sexual Violence) Bill 2024

Liberty Victoria is committed to the defence and advancement of civil liberties and human rights. We seek to promote compliance with Australia’s obligations under international law as recognised in various State and Federal human rights instruments such as the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). As such, we frequently contribute to federal and state committees of inquiry.

Liberty Victoria Statement on the Victorian Government’s Backflip on Bail Reforms for Children and Proposed Electronic Monitoring

In 2023, the Victorian Government delayed changes to the Bail Act 1977 (Vic) (Bail Act) designed to reduce the number of children remanded in custody awaiting the conclusion of their criminal proceedings. The proposed changes included removing the reverse onus test, where— subject to fairly low criteria — an accused child would have to demonstrate either “compelling reasons” or “exceptional circumstances” to be granted bail.

Statement on Entrapment

Statement on Entrapment

Call for Liberty Victoria Voltaire Human Rights Awards nominations

Dear members and supporters,

Voltaire Awards 2023 Speeches

Pill testing facilities at festivals

Liberty Victoria respectfully advocates for the implementation of pill testing facilities at festivals, as a crucial measure to protect the human rights of festival attendees. We understand that the taking of drugs at such events may be illegal, but the provision of pill testing facilities should be viewed as a pragmatic and responsible approach to address this issue.

Joint letter from the Presidents of NSW Council for Civil Liberties and Liberty Victoria relating to the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza

Dear Prime Minister,

We write as Presidents of Australia’s leading, membership based human rights and civil society organisations, about the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. We are non-political, non-religious and non-sectarian.

Since October 7, 2023, Australians have witnessed over 12,520 people die in the ongoing conflict in Palestine (including the Israeli civilians), with approximately 11,320 of these deaths caused by Israel’s military operation in Gaza. Alarmingly, an estimated 40% of these deaths have been children.

Liberty Victoria supports the right to protest

Liberty Victoria understands that there are moves by the Opposition to introduce anti-protest laws to the Victorian Parliament. The proposed law would give police the power to break up protests and ban some protesters from rally sites.

The right to protest is a fundamental component of a robust democracy, and Liberty Victoria categorically opposes the introduction of any new anti-protest laws in Victoria. 
