Leave sentencing to the courts, warns Liberty Victoria

Liberty Victoria is concerned that the Attorney-General has elected to introduce a standard sentence scheme, contrary to the clear advice of the Sentencing Advisory Council’s report in response to the Terms of Reference provided in November 2015, Sentencing Guidance in Victoria. 

Liberty Victoria supports the Sentencing Advisory Council’s statement that sentencing guidance is best delivered by the Court of Appeal, and supports the proposed reforms to the Guideline Judgment regime.

HRAFF - GTFO: Movie and post panel discussion

17 May 2016
Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) Melbourne

Myki Fines – Know Your Rights

In what ways are governments legally responsible for family violence?

Liberty Victoria supports the immediate reinstatement of Roz Ward

Whatever happened to the idea of freedom of speech, of freedom to debate diverse political and ideological views? These should be the very hallmarks of a just and democratic society like Australia’s.
Since that is so, why has Roz Ward been suspended from her job at La Trobe University for doing no more than expressing a political opinion? Liberty Victoria, one of the nation’s leading civil liberties advocacy organisations, is shocked by this action.

An empty chair to honour lashed Saudi blogger

When Gold Logie winner Waleed Aly receives Liberty Victoria’s Voltaire award in July he will share the spotlight with a blogger and free speech advocate who is in a cell in Saudi Arabia.

Raif Badawi is serving a 10 year sentence for providing an online platform for political dissent. He will receive Liberty Victoria’s inaugural "Empty Chair" award on Saturday 23 July 2016. 

The new award will go annually alongside the Voltaire award to a worthy recipient of the Voltaire who cannot attend the ceremony because of the consequences of free speech.

Waleed Aly gets year’s top award for free speech

Fresh from his nomination for a Logie in next month’s awards, the commentator, academic, lawyer, presenter and rock musician Waleed Aly has been named as an Australian leader in free speech.

He will receive the Voltaire Award from the human rights group Liberty Victoria, given annually to the person or organisation making an outstanding contribution to free speech.

Announcing the award Liberty President George Georgiou SC said today: “There can be no doubting the clarity and the courage of Waleed Aly’s contributions to many areas crucial to public life in Australia.
