Volunteer expression of interest

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We have volunteering opportunities in law reform research and advocacy, communications, and events. Please let us know the skills and knowledge you can offer and what area of work you are particularly interested in.

Open Letter calling for an end to offshore immigration detention.

Corrections Amendment (No body-no parole) Bill 2016

Liberty Victoria opposes the Bill which proposes an amendment to the Corrections Act 1986 (Vic) (the Act) by insertion of a new provision that would, in effect, render a prisoner serving a prison sentence for murder, or conspiracy to commit murder, ineligible for parole unless the Adult Parole Board (the Board) is satisfied that the prisoner has ‘cooperated satisfactorily in the investigation of the offence to identify the location, or last known location, of the remains of the victim of the offence’.

Privacy Amendment (Notification of Serious Data Breaches) Bill 2015

The draft Privacy Amendment (Notification of Serious Data Breaches) Bill proposes to make amendments to the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) to introduce mandatory data breach notification provisions for regulated agencies, organisations and other entities (entities).

Upholding Australian Values (Protecting Our Flags) Bill 2015

Liberty Victoria is strongly opposed to the Bill and has submitted a comment to the Legislative Council of Parliament of Victoria.

Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Character Cancellation Consequential Provisions) Bill 2016

Liberty Victoria would have preferred the opportunity to provide a more detailed submission but the time frame allowed for their provision was impossibly short. We hope that in future more time is allowed to make submissions on such important issues.

In general terms, Liberty Victoria opposes aspects of the Bill.

What happens to people when they are released from prison?

YLLR explores issues facing people leaving the prison system

What happens to people when they are released from prison? This video explores some of the many issues facing people leaving the prison system. 

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (Vic)

Liberty Victoria is opposed to the mandatory minimum sentence provisions in the Sentencing Act 1991 (Vic), and accordingly is also opposed to the expansion of those provisions to alleged offences against custodial officers through the Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 ("the Bill").
