Natalie Simpson The sinister practice of transporting women over international borders for the purpose of imprisoning them as sex slaves is something that most people choose to believe does not...
August 9, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Rachel Ball In the first half of 2009, two United Nations committees issued report cards on the state of human rights in Australia, following extensive reviews of Australia’s compliance with the...
August 9, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Since our inception, Liberty Victoria has worked collaboratively with many organisations, at local, state, federal and even international levels.  We have worked collaboratively in our campaigns for...
July 15, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
On the 15 June 2009 Liberty Victoria lodged its submission to the National Human Rights Consultation. Liberty Victoria commends the government for conducting the National Human Rights Consultation to...
June 22, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Michael Pearce SC Two important events for Liberty are looming and I hope all members will make an effort to attend. The first is on Friday evening 29 May and is the official launch of ‘The Gist of...
May 29, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Anne O'Rourke Liberty Victoria recently completed a submission into the freedom of religion inquiry being undertaken by the Australian Human Rights Commission. While endorsing freedom of religion as...
May 29, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Andrew Vincent With flagship events like the Melbourne Cup and the Formula 1 Grand Prix, Victoria has long been regarded as the premier state for major sporting events. In order to cement that...
May 29, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Georgia King-Siem In January 2009, the Attorney-General announced that the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) would review the operation and provisions of the Royal Commissions Act 1902 (Cth)....
May 29, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Georgia King-Siem As part of its broader inquiry into surveillance regulation in Victoria, the Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) has now turned its attention to surveillance in public places....
May 29, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
