Philippa Briglia and Lizzy Fitzgerald YOUNG people consistently prove that they care deeply about issues of social and political importance and are prepared to commit themselves wholeheartedly to...
April 10, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Aggy Kapitaniak WHAT happens if an official does get it wrong? You have two injustices: the wrong and then the black mark against your name to remind you that you were wronged. A criminal conviction...
April 10, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Georgia King-Siem THE ‘Australia’s Rights to Know’ conference in Sydney on 24 March was essentially a conference by the media, for the media. Its focus was freedom of information (FOI) reform and...
April 10, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Michael Pearce SC LIBERTY Victoria, like many civil liberties and human rights organisations, has endured a decade or more of non-stop action: we have spent much of the last 10 years reeling from...
February 17, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Georgia King-Siem AS MOST readers would be aware, Dr Mohamed Haneef was arrested, detained, charged and prosecuted by the Australian government in connection with terrorist bombings in the UK. At the...
February 17, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Spencer Zifcak LATE last year, the Rudd Government made good on its promise to establish a national consultation on human rights. The purpose of the consultation is to make recommendations to the...
February 17, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Anne O'Rourke HISTORY was made in Victoria on 22 October 2008 when, after a long and often acrimonious debate, the Abortion Law Reform Bill became law with convincing votes in both houses of...
February 17, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Rachel Ball IT'S a busy time for Australia in the international human rights arena. In the coming months our performance under the two main human rights treaties will be reviewed by UN treaty bodies...
February 17, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Georgia King-Siem IN AUGUST 2008, the Attorney-General announced that the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) would undertake a review of Australia’s secrecy laws. In particular, the ALRC will...
February 17, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Michael Pearce SC, 14 February 2007 The Government's 'access card' will be an identity card in all but name. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you can be pretty sure...
February 17, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
