10 October 2007 WHEN Van Nguyen was hanged in Singapore, many Australians were shocked and outraged. Today is "World Day Against the Death Penalty". Opposition to capital punishment cannot be...
February 2, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
15 February 2008 LIBERTY Victoria is concerned about the Government’s proposed changes to FOI. “One can understand the frustration of Government Departments with repeated requests by members of the...
February 2, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
5 May 2008 A CENTRALISED student register compelling all Victorian students under the age of 25 to be allocated a uniform student number and monitored by authorities, is unnecessary, unjustifiable...
February 2, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
14 May 2008 POLICE booze bus operations are being used by other agencies to enforce laws that have got nothing to do with drink driving. Recent reports suggest that booze bus operations in the...
February 2, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Anne O'Rourke, 23 June 2008 It has been claimed by some religious groups that the Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) has ignored the views of the majority in its Final Report on the Law of...
February 2, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Michael Pearce SC, 13 August 2008 NEW technologies and the complexity of modern society have made great inroads into the privacy we once enjoyed. These developments are largely irreversible and will...
February 2, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
5 June 2008 VICTORIA Legal Aid has cut the Fitzroy Legal Service practice funding by 40%. This will mean that the Fitzroy Legal Service is able to help 400 fewer clients each year. Fitzroy Legal...
February 2, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
9 September 2008 LIBERTY Victoria supports the Victorian Government’s measures to decriminalize abortion. “Regulation of abortion should be like any other medical procedure,” Anne O’Rourke, Vice-...
February 2, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
2 September 2008 LIBERTY Victoria has expressed its dismay at the behaviour of the Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, and former Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews in the Haneef...
February 2, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
February 2, 2009
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