The Liberty Victoria Management Committee 2013 -14 President's Report 2012 President Jane Dixon SC Senior Vice President Jessie E Taylor Vice-Presidents Anne O'Rourke Jamie Gardiner Michael Stanton...
January 30, 2009
Basic page
17 December 2008 AT its recent Annual General Meeting Liberty Victoria elected a new leadership team. Julian Burnside QC has stepped down after serving the customary two terms as President and is...
January 29, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Australia is the only Western democracy without some kind of charter or bill of rights. Though the Commonwealth Constitution contains some limited rights, such as the right to interstate trade and...
January 29, 2009
The right not to be tried or punished more than once for an offence is commonly known as the rule against double jeopardy. It is a fundamental principle of the common law and underpins criminal...
January 29, 2009
It is a fundamental principle of any democratic society that all those living within it have equal access to a justice system where they can expect, and be given, a determination of their rights...
January 29, 2009
Children and young people are entitled to equality before the law and freedom from discrimination. Young people should be consulted about, and participate in, decisions affecting them. This rarely...
January 29, 2009
Police powers should be exercised in aid of the rule of law. Persons granted power sometimes abuse it and police are no exception. Since the police exercise significant powers, it is essential for...
January 29, 2009
The right to equality is fundamental. As a free-standing right it is declared in article 26 of the ICCPR, and as a condition of the enjoyment of all other rights it is enshrined in article 2 of the...
January 29, 2009
Freedom to take part in public life extends to the right to vote, the right to engage in political activity, the right to contest public office and the right to public employment. Like freedom of...
January 29, 2009
The protection of families is recognised in article 23 of the ICCPR and section 17 of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. Since families are the fundamental unit of society,...
January 29, 2009
