Tim Warner Should you visit a Medicare health practitioner in the second half of 2010, you will be asked to identify yourself from a list of persons who have similar names and birth dates. This will...
December 24, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Michael Pearce SC In a surprise but welcome move, a senior NSW politician has called for an end to the law-and-order auctions which have prevailed in NSW politics since the 1980s. And this was not...
December 24, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Dr Alice de Jonge When the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act was enacted in 2006 it appeared that a new era had arrived in the relationship between government and citizens in Victoria...
December 24, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
2009 Missen Oration from hugh Crosthwaite on Vimeo.
December 15, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
The report of the National Human Rights Consultation Committee was released on 8 October 2009, with 31 recommendations regarding how best to ensure human rights protection in Australia. The release...
December 1, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Asylum seekers are again the subject of much commentary and debate in Australia. As per our Media Release in April 2009, Liberty continues to urge the media and all politicians to take a measured,...
December 1, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
A 13 year old boy with Asperger Syndrome was ineligible to receive disability support services because the Victorian Department of Human Services did not consider Asperger Syndrome and other Autism...
December 1, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
A 19 year old women with cerebral palsy was left housebound and alone while the Government was acting particularly slowly in responding to her request for disability services.  Her advocate noticed...
December 1, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
In the case of McIntosh v Victoria Police [2009] VCAT Justice Bell held that the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) should be interpreted consistently with section 15 of the Charter, which...
December 1, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
One example is the recent ruling by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, which held that a non-profit housing agency, Metro West Housing Services, is a "public authority" under section 4(...
December 1, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
