November 16, 2009
Liberty Victoria in the News
November 10, 2009
Liberty Victoria in the News
November 5, 2009
Liberty Victoria in the News
LIBERTY is holding its ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 5.30pm Monday 23 November at the Capitol Theatre, 113 Swanston Street, Melbourne.  All members are invited. For further information please contact the...
October 29, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Review of the Victorian Charter of Human  Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic) Update: the charter review report was tabled in the Victoria Parliament 14th September 2011. LINK TO CHARTER...
October 28, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Asylum Seekers are again the subject of much commentary and debate in Australia.  As per our Media Release in April 2009, Liberty continues to urge the media and all politicians to take a measured,...
October 27, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
October 21, 2009
Liberty Victoria in the News
Anne O'Rourke Since the last newsletter Liberty Victoria has been busy writing submissions to a number of state and federal inquiries on issues such as politicians register of interests, privacy,...
October 16, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Jessie Taylor There have recently been some wonderful changes to the laws affecting asylum seekers in Australia. Through the passage of the Migration Amendment (Abolishing Detention Debt) Bill, the...
October 16, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
Aggy Kapitaniak Liberty is disappointed with the proposed reforms of the terror laws as outlined in the Attorney-General’s 500-page discussion paper. Liberty’s anti-terror law sub-committee wrote a...
October 16, 2009
Liberty Victoria Updates
