The due date for submissions was 1 July 2011 and the report was tabled in the Victoria Parliament 14 September 2011. To download Liberty Victoria's Submission and for further information on the...
July 1, 2011
Liberty Victoria Updates
Seivers photograph one double festival pass to 2011 Melbourne Writers Festival Signed copy 'Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier' by Suelette Dreyfus,...
June 30, 2011
Liberty Victoria Updates
June 24, 2011
Liberty Victoria in the News
June 17, 2011
Liberty Victoria in the News
June 6, 2011
Liberty Victoria in the News
May 27, 2011
Liberty Victoria in the News
44. Review of Charter after 4 years of operation (1)   The Attorney-General must cause a review to be made of the first 4 years of operation of this Charter and must cause a copy of a report of the...
May 10, 2011
Liberty Victoria Updates
Download Liberty News Autumn 2011
April 15, 2011
Liberty Victoria Updates
April 1, 2011
Liberty Victoria Updates
The very successful 'Wikileaks and Free Speech' forum, held Friday 4th February and chaired by Liberty President Professor Spencer Zifcak, is now available to view or download from SlowTV LINK TO...
February 1, 2011
Liberty Victoria Updates
