Lindy Smith

Volunteer Co-ordinator
Policy Committee

Tom Clarke

Policy Committee

Liberty Victoria response to Pandemic Specific Legislation

Liberty Victoria has published a detailed comment in response to the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021, available on its website.

Liberty Victoria welcomes the introduction of pandemic specific legislation with much improved accountability and transparency provisions, which do not exist for the current state of emergency powers.

Liberty Victoria Comment on the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021

This documents comments on the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021 and includes consideration of aspects of the Bill that are positive, as well as areas where the Bill can be improved


Comment on the Terrorism (Community Protection) Amendment Bill 2021

While the objectives  of the Bill in seeking to increase engagement in the community and to enhance community safety are laudable, the manner in which they are sought to be achieved is inapt and the proposals go well beyond what is required to meet those objectives.


Inquiry into Victoria's Criminal Justice System

Complainants and victims of crime are entitled to be part of a society that respects and protects their human rights. As we have previously submitted, Liberty Victoria strongly supports the view that complainants and victims of crime should be treated with courtesy, respect and dignity throughout the criminal justice process. We support the governing principles set out in the Victims’ Charter Act 2006 (Vic) in relation to the treatment of persons adversely affected by crime.


Liberty Victoria Statement on Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Passports

Liberty Victoria’s position on COVID-19 vaccines generally

COVID-19 has seen unprecedented restrictions on the human rights of Victorians. Where limitations on human rights are a proportionate response to risks to public health, Liberty Victoria has supported those measures. In circumstances where we consider restrictions are not proportionate, we have opposed them. 

Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2020

At the outset broadly and generally speaking, the Bill introduces powers for State-authorised hacking (also known as: lawful hacking, government hacking, computer network operations, network exploitative techniques). It is our position that Australia does not have an adequate federal human rights framework. Therefore, should the Bill come into force, Australians do not have sufficient safeguards of their fundamental rights to protect them from abuse of power by authorities.


Select Committee Inquiry on Job Security

Liberty Victoria is concerned that businesses sourcing labour from the on-demand workforce may be doing so in order to obfuscate the reality of their relationships with workers, and to exploit the uncertainty the current common law test creates

Liberty Victoria is concerned that the Australian Government is failing to uphold its international and domestic human rights obligations in relation to the on-demand workforce. Many protections enshrined in the FW Act do not extend to on-demand workers who are not characterised as employees under the common law test.

20th Anniversary of the Tampa Affair

On the 26 August 2001, the Norwegian vessel the MV Tampa rescued 433 people seeking asylum who were stranded at sea. Most of those rescued were Hazaras fleeing from the Taliban in Afghanistan.

What followed was a defining moment for our national character. Australian SAS forces boarded the Tampa and most of those onboard were subsequently detained on Nauru. The incident became a pivotal episode in the 2001 Federal Election.

Two decades later we continue to see the politicisation, and criminalisation, of refugees and people seeking asylum.
