Liberty Victoria Calls for Reversal of Cuts to Australians Coming Home and for Responsible Family Reunification

Liberty Victoria condemns the Federal Government’s decision to further cut arrivals to Australia. This was called for by the Victorian Government, amongst others. This is a breach of human rights which will exacerbate the suffering for people who have already been separated from their families for too long.

Joint Media Release: Human rights and community lawyers urgently seek legal changes to protect against overreach of public safety powers

Public housing residents continue to be fearful one year on that the hard lockdown could happen again: Human rights and community lawyers, supported by local community organisations, urgently seek legal changes to protect against overreach of public safety powers Public housing residents continue to be fearful one year on that the hard lockdown could happen again: Human rights and community lawyers, supported by local community organisations, urgently seek legal changes to protect against overreach of public safety powers

This International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, the Andrews Government must do better on OPCAT

Last week, on the same day that IBAC released its damning report into Victorian prisons, we marked the 15 year anniversary of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) coming into force.

And last weekend we marked the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.

Liberty Victoria - Voltaire Human Rights Award 2021 awarded to the Children of Tanya Day

Liberty Victoria is delighted to announce that the 2021 Voltaire Human Rights Award is being awarded to the Children of Tanya Day.

The Voltaire Human Rights Award honours a person or group have made outstanding contributions to human rights, free speech or civil liberties, with particular emphasis on progressing freedom, respect, equality, dignity and action.

Joint Press Release: Andrews Government Must Ensure Trust in COVID Check-in Data Privacy


VALS, Liberty Victoria, the Flemington & Kensington Community Legal Centre, the Human Rights Law Centre and Fitzroy Legal Service call on the Andrews Government to implement laws to protect Victorians’ private information that is being collected for contact tracing.

Check in data has played a vital role in strengthening Victoria’s contact tracing system during the pandemic. It relies on the Victorian community having faith that their personal information will be managed correctly and only used for the specific purpose of contact tracing.

Inquiry into Management of Child Sex Offender Information

On 13 May 2021, Liberty Victoria’s Senior Vice-President, Sam Norton gave evidence at the Inquiry into the Management of Child Sex Offender Information.


Support the Voltaire Wine Fundraiser

A comment from Michael Stanton - What Does Australian Citizenship Even Mean Any More?

The Right Honourable Tony Benn MP once famously remarked ‘the way a government treats refugees is very instructive because it shows you how they would treat the rest of us if they thought they could get away with it’.

Inquiry into: The efficacy, fairness, timeliness and costs of the processing and granting of visa classes which provide for or allow for family and partner reunions

The legal and policy frameworks governing family reunification unjustly
discriminate based on the mode of arrival in Australia.
These discriminatory laws and policies prevent people from reuniting with
their loved ones. This has a significantly harsh impact on these people
and their immediate families overseas, many of whom are highly
vulnerable and survivors of torture, sexual violence and other abhorrent
human rights abuses.
No compelling case has been put forward by the Government to justify the

Hugo Moodie

Policy Committee
