Inquiry into Extremist Movements and Radicalism in Australia

We accept that extremist movements and actors pose a significant threat to the Australian Community. However, over the past two decades there has been a focus on the danger of Islamist extremism at the expense of proper attention being given to the resurgence of farright extremism.   As demonstrated by the Christchurch massacre, the danger of far-right extremism is all too real, can be fostered by Australian far-right movements, and can result in tragedy close to home.


Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2020

At the outset broadly and generally speaking, the Bill introduces powers for State-authorised hacking (also known as: lawful hacking, government hacking, computer network operations, network exploitative techniques). It is our position that Australia does not have an adequate federal human rights framework. Therefore, should the Bill come into force, Australians do not have sufficient safeguards of their fundamental rights to protect them from abuse of power by authorities.


Liberty Victoria concerned over VicRoads part privatisation


Liberty Victoria is concerned about data security following the part-privatisation of VicRoads. The data that will become available to private enterprise will be very broad and Liberty Victoria is concerned about the security of it, when in private hands. The data that would  include photos which are capable of use for facial recognition, and other personal information including names, dates of birth, addresses, and motor vehicle registrations.
