Improving the Response of the Justice System to Sexual Offences

Read our submission to the @VLRC inquiry into Improving the Response of the Justice System to Sexual Offences. Liberty Victoria calls for careful rights-based reform and the introduction of a restorative justice model for suitable matters. “A restorative justice model has the potential to have a long-lasting and wide-reaching impact on criminal justice in Victoria, and improving outcomes for victim-survivors.”


Liberty Victoria welcomes Court decision concerning the Biloela Family

Liberty Victoria welcomes the decision handed down by the Full Federal Court today concerning the Biloela family. A unanimous Full Federal Court has upheld the earlier decision of the Honourable Justice Moshinsky that the Minister for Home Affairs denied the youngest child of the Biloela family procedural fairness in the assessment of whether she engaged Australia’s international non-refoulement obligations.

Inquiry Into The Use of Cannabis in Victoria

In our view the best way to protect the health of those adults who use cannabis, to protect public health and safety, and to prevent criminal activity relating to the illegal cannabis trade in Victoria, is to have a controlled legalisation of cannabis possession, use, and limited cultivation as has recently occurred in the ACT. This should be in combination with a responsible health and education-based response, as opposed to the current pathway into the criminal justice system.


Review of the Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Act 2018 (Cth)

The ability of charity groups and non-government advocacy bodies to freely speak on political issues is therefore a key component of a healthy democracy. In this submission, Liberty Victoria discourages proposed changes to electoral laws to reduce the threshold for political campaigners from the current $500,000 threshold to $100,000. 

