Liberty Victoria concerned about Morrison Government being prepared to send refugees back to countries where they face a real risk of death, torture or persecution

Liberty Victoria concerned about Morrison Government being prepared to send refugees back to countries where they face a real risk of death, torture or persecution

In a recent Federal Court proceeding, Alex Hawke, the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, told the Court that he and his Department are prepared to knowingly breach international non-refoulement obligations when removing a person from Australia.

Improving the Response of the Justice System to Sexual Offences: A Proposed ‘Grab and Drag’ Offence

Liberty Victoria opposes changes to the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) (Crimes Act) to deal specifically with ‘Grab and Drag’ offences. As noted in Issues Paper I, there are many indictable offences in the Crimes Act that cover the criminal conduct sought to be targeted by these proposed laws.


Select Committee Inquiry on Job Security

Liberty Victoria is concerned that businesses sourcing labour from the on-demand workforce may be doing so in order to obfuscate the reality of their relationships with workers, and to exploit the uncertainty the current common law test creates

Liberty Victoria is concerned that the Australian Government is failing to uphold its international and domestic human rights obligations in relation to the on-demand workforce. Many protections enshrined in the FW Act do not extend to on-demand workers who are not characterised as employees under the common law test.
