Press release – Liberty Victoria awards the 2021 Voltaire Empty Chair Award to all refugees and asylums seekers in detention

In 2021, Liberty Victoria is awarding the Voltaire Empty Chair Award to all refugees and asylum seekers in on and off-shore detention.

Established in 2016, this award is presented to a person who is worthy to receive the Voltaire or Young Voltaire Human Rights Awards, but cannot be present to receive the award due to the consequences of their exercise of or advocacy for human rights, free speech or civil liberties. Previous recipients have been Iranian cartoonist Ali Dorani aka 'Eaten Fish', Behrouz Boochani and Bernard Collaery.

Joint Media Release: Lack of oversight and transparency in prison disciplinary processes: Ombudsman finds

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, legal, human rights and civil liberties organisations have called on the Andrews government to take urgent steps to increase transparency and prevent mistreatment behind bars after a new report has highlighted serious deficiencies in disciplinary processes in Victorian prisons.

Mohamed Semra Awarded the Liberty Victoria Young Voltaire Human Rights Award

Liberty Victoria is delighted to announce that Mohamed Semra is the 2021 Liberty Victoria Young Voltaire Human Rights Award recipient.

The Young Voltaire Human Rights Award honours a person or group no older than 30 at the date of their nomination for an outstanding contribution to or action on free speech, human rights or civil liberties, with particular emphasis on progressing freedom, respect, equality and dignity. It celebrates those who speak out, write, campaign, whistle-blow, take action or stand against authoritarianism.
