Leave sentencing to the courts, warns Liberty Victoria

Liberty Victoria is concerned that the Attorney-General has elected to introduce a standard sentence scheme, contrary to the clear advice of the Sentencing Advisory Council’s report in response to the Terms of Reference provided in November 2015, Sentencing Guidance in Victoria. 

Liberty Victoria supports the Sentencing Advisory Council’s statement that sentencing guidance is best delivered by the Court of Appeal, and supports the proposed reforms to the Guideline Judgment regime.

Don't licence protests, says rights group

Human rights group Liberty Victoria today expressed great concern about proposed legislation that would require permits to be obtained before people may protest.

Liberty president George Georgiou SC said, “We seriously question the need for such drastic action and urge government to look at alternatives before undertaking such measures.

Myki Fines – Know Your Rights

After working with Julian Burnside QC in his fight against unfair Myki fines, Young Liberty for Law reform created www.mykifines.org.au to help people understand their options when they are confronted by an Authorised Officer who tells them their Myki isn’t valid.

In what ways are governments legally responsible for family violence?

  • Intimate partner violence is the top risk factor for death, disability and illness in Victorian women aged 15 – 44.
  • One women is killed by her intimate partner almost every week.
  • Aboriginal women are five times more likely to be killed than non-Aboriginal women.
  • Women with disabilities experience higher levels and more diverse kinds of violence than women without disabilities.


Start Date - End Date

Aug 27th, 2016 - Aug 27th, 2016

Start Time - End Time

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Event Location

Deakin Edge Federation Square Melbourne


$22 ($19 Concession)

Alan Missen Oration 2016: Philippe Sands

Read More


27 April 2016
6.15 pm
The Wheeler Centre 176 Little Lonsdale St Melbourne

President's report 2015

There can be little doubt that the cause of civil liberties and human rights has suffered a serious setback in recent times. There are a number of reasons that have been offered for this.


Annual reports

Download Liberty Victoria Annual Report 2023

President's Report 2023 - Michael Stanton

Dear Members and Supporters of Liberty Victoria,

Danger of census facts leaking, Liberty Victoria warns

Information from next month’s census will be a “honeypot” for hackers, Liberty Victoria warned today.

“The safest way to keep data secure is not to retain it at all,” the human rights group said. “Information security can no longer be guaranteed.”

There are increasingly frequent instances of serious data breaches of personal information held by both government[i] and business.
