Human rights group backs doctors on whistleblowing

A human rights group has swung behind doctors who want the right to disclose what happens in detention centres.

Doctors for Refugees has filed a High Court challenge to the secrecy provisions in the Australian Border Force Act, contending that the laws inappropriately curtail people’s freedom to participate in political communication around conditions and care in detention.

Liberty Victoria welcomed this critical development. 

2016 Census

Liberty Victoria has in recent days been contacted by a number of persons concerned about the 2016 Census and the privacy implications for them.


Independent National Security Legislation Monitor’s (INSLM) inquiry into certain questioning and detention powers

The Councils for Civil Liberties (“CCLs”)[1] have made a joint submission to the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor’s (INSLM) inquiry into certain questioning and detention powers (CQDPs) in relation to terrorism. Specifically, the review encompasses:

Victorian Police Minister proposed laws to ban masks at protests

The Victorian Police Minister has foreshadowed laws to ban masks at protests. There have been reports that such laws may be of two kinds:

Start Date - End Date

Oct 7th, 2016 - Oct 7th, 2016

Start Time - End Time

6:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Event Location

City of Melbourne Bowls Club, Flagstaff Gardens Dudley St West Melbourne



YLLR Trivia Fundraiser

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Start Date - End Date

Nov 29th, 2016 - Nov 29th, 2016

Start Time - End Time

5:30 pm - 6:45 pm

Event Location

CBP Lawyers L23 181 William St Melbourne



AGM 2016

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Crimes Amendment - Carjacking and home invasion - Bill 2016

Liberty Victoria is deeply concerned about the gradual erosion of judicial discretion in sentencing and the move towards mandatory and/or more prescriptive models of sentencing. Part of that concern stems from the need for the legislature to carefully protect the separation of powers so that a strong and independent judiciary is able to ensure that justice is done in the individual case. 

The Bill should be recognised for what it is – a significant threat to judicial discretion, the separation of powers and the rule of law.
