Comment on Infant Viability Bill 2015 (Victoria)

Liberty Victoria does not support the Infant Viability Bill 2015. We believe that the regulation of abortion has been dealt with appropriately under the Victorian Law Reform Act 2008.  The Act already provides for abortion post-24 weeks which, in any case, are extremely rare and only undertaken in emergency situations.  In addition, we believe that criminalising doctors, as this Bill proposes to do, is a highly regressive and disingenuous attempt to wind back the 2008 law.


Joint Submission for the United Kingdom’s Universal Periodic Review in 2017

Joint Submission for the United Kingdom’s Universal Periodic Review in 2017 submitted by a coalition of the following international human rights, fair trial and jurist organisations:

Privacy Amendment (Notification of Serious Data Breaches) Bill 2015

The draft Privacy Amendment (Notification of Serious Data Breaches) Bill proposes to make amendments to the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) to introduce mandatory data breach notification provisions for regulated agencies, organisations and other entities (entities).

Inquiry into End of Life Choices

Liberty Victoria supports a terminally ill person’s right to die with dignity.  As early as 1998 Liberty Victoria produced a booklet titled The Final Choice – Considerations on Choosing to Die, and has in the past supported voluntary euthanasia Bills.  


YLLR explores issues facing people leaving the prison system

What happens to people when they are released from prison? This video explores some of the many issues facing people leaving the prison system. 

Use of regulatory regimes in preventing the infiltration of organised crime into lawful occupations and industries

In October 2014 the Victorian Law Reform Commission (the Commission) was asked to examine and report on how the law can better prevent organised crime and criminal organisations from infiltrating occupations and industries.

Regulatory regimes include licensing, registration requirements and fit and proper person tests. 

The Commission reviewed various lawful occupations and industries in Victoria and elsewhere:

No safety in plan to jail more - Liberty

State Government plans to jail more people will not make Victorians safer, rights group Liberty Victoria warned today. 

"Practical experience of the criminal justice system has long shown that in many cases offenders who are imprisoned pose a greater risk to the community upon release due to the harmful effects of jail," said Liberty Victoria Vice President, Michael Stanton.

"That is especially the case with youthful offenders." 

Proposed changes to Community Correction Orders will not make us safer

Liberty Victoria is very concerned about the Victorian Government’s announcement on proposed reforms to the Community Correction Order (‘CCO’) regime. The reforms should be strongly opposed.

The announcement reflects a fundamental misconception that by sentencing more persons to imprisonment Victorians will be made safer.

Sentencing (Community Correction Order) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2016 (Vic)

Liberty Victoria strongly opposes the Sentencing (Community Correction Order) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2016 (Vic) (‘The Bill’). It is an unnecessary reform to the Community Correction Order (‘CCO’) regime that further entrenches mandatory sentencing in Victoria.
