Firearms Amendment Act 2018

Last week, the Victorian Parliament passed the Firearms Amendment Bill 2017 which contained a series of significant amendments to the Firearms Act 1986.

The aspect of the Bill of most concern to civil liberties and human rights is the introduction of Firearm Prohibition Orders.

Did you know:

Sex Offenders Scheme both costly and unnecessary

Liberty Victoria labelled the opposition’s proposed plan to allow concerned parents access to photographs and other details of sex offenders "an unnecessary and costly scheme that would have no impact on the rates of sexual offences in Victoria."  

Liberty Victoria President Jessie Taylor dismissed the proposal as “an irrational and expensive attempt to make political gain out of a highly emotive issue without reference to any available evidence.”

Inquiry into the Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Bill 2017

A submission was made to this inquiry by the councils for civil liberties across Australia (New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties, Liberty Victoria, Queensland Council for Civil Liberties, South Australia Council for Civil Liberties and the Australian Council for Civil Liberties).

A Sentencing Guidelines Council for Victoria: Issues Paper

As noted in the Sentencing Advisory Council (SAC) issues paper, the Victorian Government announced in May 2017 that it would introduce legislation in 2018 to establish a sentencing guidelines council in Victoria. In July 2017, the Attorney-General requested the SAC to advise him on the most suitable model, following broad stakeholder and community consultation.

Michael Stanton on Minister Peter Dutton's decision to attack judicial officers on talkback radio

In the midst of early January's tabloid-driven frenzy on so called "African gangs", Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton decided to attack judicial officers on talkback radio.

Barnaby Joyce disgraces his new country with a threat to his old one, says Liberty Victoria

The breathtaking simplicity and callousness of the recently resuscitated Deputy Prime Minister lays bare the attempt to use human lives for votes, Liberty Victoria said today.

“Barnaby Joyce bounces back into Parliament saying control borders or lose votes," said Jessie Taylor, President of the human rights group. “Forget compassion, disregard any duty to one’s fellow human beings, focus on the votes, that is the message.

Attacks on Manus refugees is Australia’s Christmas shame, says human rights group

Australia’s name for decency and a fair go has been permanently stained by the latest sickening violence on Manus Island, Liberty Victoria said today.

Reports of attacks on refugees with metal poles and other weapons to force them to a new unfinished prison after three weeks of resistance shames the nation, said Liberty president Jessie Taylor.

“Our leaders seem deaf to the appeals by Australians of the Year, religious leaders and people going into the street,” she said.

The meaning of YES…and NO

Australians have voted YES by a bigger margin than the 2PP vote at any recent federal election. This is a cause for great celebration, of course, but what happens next?

The cry from Manus must not be ignored

The studied indifference of Australia’s leaders to the abandonment of refugees on Manus Island is becoming a permanent stain on this country’s name, the human rights body Liberty Victoria said today.

As troops prepare to occupy the refugees’ former prison the world will be watching Australia to see if we lift a finger to help, said Liberty President Jessie Taylor.

Months ago the New York Times wrote after touring Nauru and Manus: ”The world’s refugee crisis knows no more sinister exercise in cruelty than Australia’s island prisons.”
