Inquiry Into The Use of Cannabis in Victoria

In our view the best way to protect the health of those adults who use cannabis, to protect public health and safety, and to prevent criminal activity relating to the illegal cannabis trade in Victoria, is to have a controlled legalisation of cannabis possession, use, and limited cultivation as has recently occurred in the ACT. This should be in combination with a responsible health and education-based response, as opposed to the current pathway into the criminal justice system.


Liberty Victoria deeply concerned about expanded use of Protective Services Officers in Victoria

Liberty Victoria deeply concerned about expanded use of Protective Services Officers in Victoria


Liberty Victoria is deeply concerned about the Government's desire to vastly widen the use of Protective Services Officers (PSO's) in areas around the state. PSO's were introduced to provide a visible presence of policing on the public transport network and associated areas. They are not members of Victoria Police. They have a limited role and receive far less training than members of Victoria Police. 



Liberty Victoria Voltaire Awards,

The Liberty Victoria Voltaire Human Rights Dinner is an important event in the human rights calendar in Australia.

Voltaire Award Dinner 2015

Peter Greste receives on behalf of his colleagues Baher Mohamed and Mohamed Fahmy Liberty Victoria's Voltaire Award 2015

On the 12th of September, at our annual fundraising dinner at the San Remo Ballroom, the Liberty Victoria 2015 Voltaire Award was made to the "three brothers", Al Jazeera journalists Peter Greste,

Voltaire Award Winner 2024



Liberty Victoria and the Rights Advocacy Project - Statement on proposed expansion to police designated area search powers

Liberty Victoria and the Rights Advocacy Project are deeply concerned about the proposal to expand Victoria Police’s existing designated area search powers under the Control of Weapons Act 1990, which allow for the stopping and searching of any individual in a specific area without a warrant or any reasonable grounds.

Statement of Concern – Media and Political Commentary on Direction 99

Recent political and media attacks on legal procedures governing visa cancellation are of immense concern. They threaten the rule of law and the integrity of institutions and outcomes. The Tribunal is an expert body established by the Government as a vital check on administrative decision-making power. Attacks like these impair that function. It is fundamentally necessary that institutions like the Tribunal are independent and able to perform its role without intimidation or influence. 

Banning book featuring same-sex parents violates human rights

The recent move by a NSW council to ban books featuring same-sex couples represents an
ongoing attack on the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community. This is deeply troubling to Liberty
Victoria. It follows a disturbing trend both in Australia and around the globe. This trend
includes the cancellation of ‘drag queen story time’ from public spaces in Victoria, in some
cases following threats and intimidation.

Inquiry into Right Wing Extremist Movements in Australia

Liberty Victoria has been very concerned by the re-emergence of far-right extremism over recent years, and we have made submissions on that issue to:

a. The Commonwealth Parliament’s Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s (PJCIS) Inquiry into Extremist Movements and Radicalism in Australia in February 2021;1

b. The Victorian Parliament’s Legal and Social Issues Committee’s Inquiry into Extremism in May 2022; 2 and
