Liberty Victoria today said the Federal Government’s foreshadowed plans to reverse the onus of proof for Australians visiting so called “terror hotspots” are unwarranted. The Government wants people...
August 7, 2014
Press Release
August 6, 2014
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria, with the support of the Alan Missen Foundation, was the proud sponsor of the Alan Missen Oration at the Melbourne Writers Festival on Friday 22 August at the Deakin Edge, Federation...
July 26, 2014
Public statement from The NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Liberty Victoria, The Queensland Council for Civil Liberties, The SA Council for Civil Liberties, Civil Liberties Australia. Civil Liberties...
July 15, 2014
Press Release
Liberty Victoria was proud to present the 2014 Voltaire Award Dinner. Award Recipient: Yu Lipski Music: Valanga Khoza Master of Ceremonies: Toby Halligan What a wonderful evening! And what a...
July 1, 2014
July 1, 2014
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria press release 27 June 2014 An interpreter who helped a man who died soon after his release from a police station is to be awarded this year's Voltaire Award for free speech. Yu Shu...
June 26, 2014
Press Release
  Everyday Rebellion at HRAFF Liberty Victoria was very pleased to support the documentary film, Everyday Rebellion, and the post-film forum at the Human Rights Arts and Film Festival Sunday 18...
May 15, 2014
