LGBTI Asylum Seekers: No Pacific Solution

YLLR presents LGBTI refugees and international law at Midsumma

LGBTI people seeking refuge in Australia face a unique set of issues. Among them is the horror of fleeing sexuality-based persecution only to be mandatorily resettled in a country that criminalises homosexuality.
Join 'Young Liberty for Law Reform' and a panel of leading advocates and experts on LGBTI and Refugee rights for a discussion and Q&A session on the issues faced by LGBTI asylum seekers claiming refuge in Australia. Among other issues, the panel will address the resettlement of LGBTI refugees in countries where homosexuality is criminalised, and the assessment of LGBTI asylum seekers' claims by Australian authorities.

Young Liberty for Law Reform is an initiative of Liberty Victoria - Australia's oldest civil rights organisation - in which young volunteers engage in law reform projects with human rights experts. Joining us for the discussion will be:
Dame Carol Kidu recently chaired an expert panel on refugee resettlement policy for Papua New Guinea. Formerly PNG's Minister for Community Development, Dame Carol now holds the Sir Ebia Olewale Chair of PNG Studies at Deakin University.
Kristen Walker SC is a barrister with extensive experience in human rights and refugee law including appearing for the refugees in the Malaysia Solution case and as counsel in Norrie's case, both in the High Court. Kristen is also an Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne and has taught gender, sexuality and international human rights law at Columbia University and the University of Arizona.
Senthorun Raj is an LGBTI advocate and doctoral student at Sydney Law School. Sen has been awarded the Australian Lesbian & Gay Archives Thesis Prize for his research on sexual orientation asylum claims and recently completed a Churchill Fellowship on the issue.

Full $17, concession $12

Thursday 5 February 2015
7 pm - 8.30 pm
Northcote Town Hall 180 High St Northcote