Committee review period too hasty on 'Foreign Fighters' Bill Liberty Victoria shares NSW Council for Civil Liberties concern of the haste with which counter-terrorism legislation is coming into...
September 24, 2014
Press Release
Liberty Victoria is strongly opposed to the Sentencing Amendment (Coward's Punch Manslaughter and Other Matters) Bill 2014. The Bill seeks to enact mandatory sentencing (a 10 year mandatory minimum...
September 15, 2014
Populist law and order agenda sees courts lose power as mandatory sentencing is expanded. “The public may not be aware of the speed with which the Napthine government is removing sentencing...
September 5, 2014
Press Release
September 5, 2014
  Liberty Victoria is pleased to make the following comments on the Medical Services (Dying with Dignity) Exposure Draft Bill. Our organisation is fully supportive of the Bill, while wishing to...
September 5, 2014
