Barrister George Georgiou SC is the new President of Liberty Victoria. Elected at the recent annual meeting, he was welcomed by outgoing President Jane Dixon QC who said: “Liberty's role in...
November 25, 2014
Press Release
The social and economic costs of hardline anti-crime policies are simply too great, the President of Liberty Victoria, George Georgiou SC, warned today. He said all Victorians should be concerned...
November 24, 2014
Press Release
November 18, 2014
Liberty Victoria in the News
With speaker Robert Stary of Robert Stary Lawyers All Liberty Victoria members welcome. Admission free. Refreshments will be provided. RSVP by Wednesday 12 November to Gillian Garner, Liberty...
November 10, 2014
  For the following reasons, Liberty Victoria is opposed to this Bill:  1.    The Bill seeks to repeal entirely the scheme for Freedom of Information (FOI) Review set in place in 2010. It is a return...
November 6, 2014
  Liberty Victoria wishes to endorse the submission made by the New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties to the Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Character and General Visa Cancellation) Bill...
October 28, 2014
Joint statement on the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Bill 2014 15 October 2014   The Australian Government has an important duty to protect the community from terrorism....
October 21, 2014
Press Release
#YLLR TRIVIA Join YLLR for trivia, drinks and LOLs at the Great Northern Hotel to raise funds for Young Liberty for Law Reform projects. Tickets at Entry: $20 per person in...
October 15, 2014
Liberty Victoria has joined civil liberties organisations throughout Australia in criticising national security laws being rushed through federal parliament in the Counter Terrorism Legislation...
October 8, 2014
Press Release
