Government, Regulation and Equality

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Liberty Victoria's Gemma Cafarella said facial recognition technology was a "significant erosion" of privacy that locked everyone with a driver's licence into a national database. She said the mere...
September 17, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
The proposal to drug test Newstart recipients is based on a narrow and  punitive assumption of the way Newstart recipients conduct their lives. It has no proven benefit. Listen to Jessie Taylor...
September 6, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
The Religious Discrimination Bill, introduced by the Attorney-General Christian Porter, has its flaws. Nevertheless, it walks a more or less acceptable line between arch proponents and critics of the...
September 6, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
The robodebt scheme is arguably a ‘retrogressive measure’ in breach of Australia’s international human rights obligations as they pertain to the right to social security. The Government’s attempts to...
August 27, 2019
Liberty Victoria's Jamie Gardiner discusses the issue of public drunkenness in Victoria
August 22, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Jamie Gardiner quoted prior to the decriminalisation of the offence of public drunkenness in Victoria.
August 22, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria, in conjunction with Ashlea Johnson - a transgender Melbourne woman - fully support amendments to the law to allow transgender, gender diverse and intersex Victorians to record their...
August 15, 2019
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) raids on journalists from News Corporation and the ABC have caused very considerable community consternation. The fact that these raids occurred in the immediate...
July 12, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Jessie Taylor discusses the election debates on 3AW's Neil Mitchell program
May 21, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Jessie Taylor is a guest on this Radio National discussion.
May 13, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
