The Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) is a quasi-judicial body designed to promote the rule of law and good government by enabling citizens to call into question the decisions of...
March 13, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria believes fervently in the importance of impartial, independent legal advice and representation.
Liberty Victoria is an organisation made up predominately (though not solely) of legal...
February 26, 2019
Press Release
Liberty Victoria's Jessie Taylor is quoted in this opinion piece on Victoria Police's use of military style automatic weapons.
February 20, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Jessie Taylor on the new high powered police guns - on 3AW
February 18, 2019
Liberty Victoria in the News
Sex Discrimination Amendment (Removing Discrimination Against Students) Bill 2018 (Senator Wong’s Bill)
Liberty notes that the so-called religious exemptions amount to a preference or benefit for...
January 24, 2019
A discussion of the Andrews government changes to bail, sentencing and parole laws: - Liberty Victoria's comments on the law is quoted.
November 5, 2018
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria fully supports constitutional recognition of Australia's First Peoples, in the form set out in the Uluru Statement from the Heart: a constitutionally enshrined, First Nations Voice...
June 18, 2018
The Guardianship and Administration Bill 2018 is a necessary reform to update and bring Victoria’s personal guardianship and administration laws into line with modern expectations and human rights. ...
April 24, 2018
In its submission to government on the bill, Liberty Victoria president Jessie Taylor said the organisation supports the concept of streamlining child information sharing, but the legislation...
April 10, 2018
Liberty Victoria in the News
Joint Councils of Civil Liberties submission on the Identity-matching Services Bill 2018 and the Australian Passports Amendment (Identity-matching Services) Bill 2018 which will authorise the...
March 21, 2018