Government, Regulation and Equality

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Liberty Victoria offers five double passes to this year’s #AlanMissenOration at #MWF17 with Nancy MacLean on Democracy in Chains. Offer runs this weekend, Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 August only. Email...
August 19, 2017
Liberty Victoria Updates
Time did not permit Liberty Victoria to address in full all aspects of the Terms of Reference for this Inquiry. Our concerns therefore centred on “3 — The relationship between the freedom of religion...
August 7, 2017
Liberty Victoria had the opportunity to consider the detailed submission by Victoria Legal Aid (‘VLA’) and we respectfully endorse it and its recommendations. We also make the following brief...
May 30, 2017
Liberty Victoria’s Rights Advocacy Project (‘RAP’) today released a new report revealing the dramatic rise in the personal discretions and legal powers of the Immigration Minister. One of the report...
May 4, 2017
Press Release
