Latest articles and news by Liberty Victoria

  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: June 10, 2022
    Liberty Victoria president Michael Stanton has stated that “such draconian measures are plainly inappropriate” and appeared to be “intended to have a chilling effect on protest activity”. They strike at the heart of democracy and aim to demonise the importance and legitimacy of non-violent... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: May 28, 2022
    Gemma Cafarella, a barrister and spokesperson for Liberty Victoria, said no evidence had been presented to back up the claim that there was a threat to workers’ safety, or that existing laws, which include penalties of more than $3,000, were not working.
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: May 27, 2022
    Liberty Victoria president Michael Stanton said the organisation opposed the new penalties, which appeared to be “plainly intended to have a chilling effect on protest activity”. “Such protesters have the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly under the Victorian Charter of Human... Read more
  • Press Release
    Post date: May 17, 2022
    Liberty Victoria is awarding the 2022 Voltaire Empty Chair Award to Mehdi Ali, a refugee from Ahvaz, Iran who had been held in detention by Australia since 2013 including at the Park Hotel in Melbourne. He was held in detention by Australia for almost a decade, from the age 15 until he was 24. He... Read more
  • Press Release
    Post date: May 17, 2022
    The Proposed Ban of the Swastika in Victoria The Summary Offences Amendment (Nazi Symbol Prohibition) Bill 2022 (Vic)   Liberty Victoria is deeply worried by the emergence of far-right extremism, but opposes the ban of the ‘hakenkreuz’ for the reasons set out in our joint submission to the... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: April 21, 2022
    Gemma Cafarella is a barrister who practises in public law, including discrimination and sexual harassment matters. Gemma is the Chair of Liberty Victoria's Government Regulation and Equality Committee, and a supervisor for the Rights Advocacy Project. Gemma speaks with Kannagi about painful... Read more
  • Press Release
    Post date: April 19, 2022
    Liberty Victoria Statement on the Federal Election   As you are no doubt aware, the Federal Election will be held on 21 May 2022. Liberty Victoria does not, and will not, endorse any particular political party or candidate. We do, however, make submissions and engage with the community on... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: March 18, 2022
    Sydney Criminal Lawyers spoke to Liberty Victoria president Michael Stanton about the tattered state of civil liberties at present, his concerns that surveilling and a lack of privacy are becoming the new norm, and why Morrison should have delivered a bill that upheld all rights.
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: March 17, 2022
    Our President @mdstanton spoke to @davidestcourt from @theage Liberty Victoria president Michael Stanton said it was not appropriate for Victoria Police to use surveillance units at private businesses. “We are particularly concerned about the increasing normalisation of the surveillance by police... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: March 11, 2022
    Our President Michael Stanton spoke to @abcmelbourne about the Vic govt’s extraordinary passing of retrospective legislation to fix the 1,200 police officers who’ve been working unlawfully, without correct powers, in some cases for years. (From 4:35)
