Latest articles and news by Liberty Victoria

  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: August 5, 2022
    Liberty Victoria's submission was referred to frequently in the report, for example:  "Inquiry stakeholders advocated for legislative change to allow greater consideration of the interests of children in sentencing their parents, specifically regarding the high bar set by the ‘exceptional’ test.... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: July 25, 2022
    Jaimie Gardiner is also a leader of the Australian LGBTQ community; in 2019 he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia. As early as 1974 he was leading a campaign to decriminalize gay sex, and in the 1980s founded the Victorian AIDS Council. Currently, he is serving as Vice-President of... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: July 22, 2022
    Liberty's president discusses mandatory minimum sentencing in depth from 1.02 on 3CRs Thursday Breakfast program.  
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: July 14, 2022
    Liberty Victoria president Michael Stanton said he “strongly” supported the Court of Appeal’s observations, with his organisation opposing the emergence of mandatory sentencing over the past decade. In a previous submission to an inquiry into Victoria’s criminal justice system, Liberty Victoria... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: July 12, 2022
    Jason Roberts will face an uncertain legal path to a major compensation payout for his more than 20 years’ imprisonment ­because Victoria’s human rights provisions do not carry the same powers that helped deliver ­acquitted long-term Canberra prisoner David Eastman more than $7m. Liberty Victoria... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: July 12, 2022
    Last week Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus put an end to Canberra lawyer Bernard Collaery’s criminal prosecution.
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: June 29, 2022
    Michael Stanton of Liberty Victoria argued at the parliamentary inquiry “that any reform needed to ensure free speech was balanced with people’s right to live without discrimination and violence”. Banning Nazi symbols also allows the far right to portray themselves as victims of repression. This... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: June 16, 2022
    Australian authorities have had a “myopic” focus on Islamist extremism since 9/11, experts have lamented, warning that it has come at the expense of identifying the rise of far-right extremism. Liberty Victoria president Michael Stanton said that while the threat of far-right extremism was real and... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: June 16, 2022
    A "myopic" focus on Islamist extremism in Australia since 2001's September 11 attacks in the United States has come at the expense of monitoring the far-right movement, a Victorian parliamentary inquiry has been told. Liberty Victoria President Michael Stanton acknowledged far-right extremism is... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: June 16, 2022
    Michael Stanton, president of Liberty Victoria, told the upper house’s legal and social issues committee that any reform needed to ensure free speech was balanced with people’s right to live without discrimination and violence. “We need to make sure that in responding to those confronting scenes in... Read more
