Latest articles and news by Liberty Victoria

  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: January 24, 2023
    Liberty Victoria president Michael Stanton ­described the current laws as “broken”. “We are concerned that bail laws are increasingly being used as a means of preventive detention in some circumstances where prisoners, even if found to have committed the charged offences, would not receive lengthy... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: January 24, 2023
    Liberty Victoria's Sam Norton said the state got the balance wrong on bail laws after Bourke Street, allowing for repeat offenders to be held on remand for low-level crimes such as shoplifting under the reverse onus test. "Engaging in law reform in response to utterly appalling acts of an... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: January 24, 2023
    Legal groups, MPs and the partner of Veronica Nelson are urging the Victorian government not to squander the opportunity to overhaul the state’s bail laws following a major coronial inquest into her death. Changes are also supported by the Law Institute of Victoria, Victoria Legal Aid, Victorian... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: January 16, 2023
    Vice president of Liberty Victoria, Michelle Bennett, said a lack of trained staff could be a “life or death” issue for prisoners, and that time in cells should be strictly limited. “For prisoners, increased isolation limits their opportunities for rehabilitation and, accordingly, their ability to... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: December 27, 2022
    It is a sad indictment upon Executive government, that a costly charade is exactly what the AAT had become. The level of Executive interference with the constitution and operation of the tribunal had reached a such a level that it had almost destroyed the tribunal’s reputation for impartial and... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: December 22, 2022
    Liberty Victoria said it was vital the minimum age of criminal responsibility was raised to 14 in Victoria. "This is not a matter that should result in compromise. Children don't belong in prisons," it tweeted.
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: November 23, 2022
    In comments over the weekend, the president of Liberty Victoria, Michael Stanton, said there was "no need" for Ms Cumming's "inflammatory rhetoric". "The state election should be a contest of ideas," he said. "We've seen in the past … how inflammatory rhetoric can unfortunately result in very... Read more
  • Press Release
    Post date: November 15, 2022
    As part of a society which values and promotes human dignity, equality and freedom, a properly functioning social security system — that is, a system which is available, adequate and accessible to all without discrimination— is essential to ensure that all Australians have access to the basic... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: November 14, 2022
    Liberty Victoria president Michael Stanton told The Sunday Age the government should have made plans for this situation to ensure people who were sick with the virus could still vote. “There is no good reason why, in a modern democracy, Victorians suffering from COVID-19 should be disenfranchised... Read more
  • Press Release
    Post date: October 25, 2022
    Liberty Victoria is dismayed to learn that government obstruction has led the United Nations’ torture prevention body to suspend its visit to Australia. The risk to the human rights of people held in places of detention is significant, and it is fundamentally important that those rights are... Read more
