Latest articles and news by Liberty Victoria

  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: December 6, 2021
    Liberty Victoria’s outgoing president Julia Kretzenbacher says their organisation has also been busy. “For the past two years there’s particular things we focused on, including the curfew, privacy around QR codes, policing as a public health response and now the pandemic bill.” Both de Kretser and... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: November 25, 2021
    While noting he did not know the circumstances of the case and made no comment about the merit of police actions, Liberty Victoria President Michael Stanton said considerations went beyond the Crimes Act. "The Charter of Human Rights requires that a person arrested or detained on a criminal charge... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: November 24, 2021
    Liberty Victoria's Greg Buchhorn is interviewed in relation to the proposed Victorian pandemic legislation on 3 CRs Done by Law program recorded on 23 November.
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: November 19, 2021
    There are “serious concerns” over the Victorian government’s “unprecedented plan” to establish a centralised health data sharing system which would store information such as prescribed medications and hospital admissions, with no ability for individuals to opt-out. The state government is planning... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: November 18, 2021
    Victoria’s peak legal bodies, the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Liberty Victoria and the state Ombudsman, have maintained their opposition to the revised Bill, saying amendments didn’t go far enough.
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: November 18, 2021
    Our outgoing President Julia Kretzenbacher @juliakretz spoke to Ruby Jones @therubyjones about Victoria’s proposed pandemic laws — incl. the recent amendments announced, as well as further changes we and other human rights & civil liberties groups are calling for @7ampodcast
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: November 17, 2021
    LIBERTY VICTORIA President Julia Kretzenbacher said the amendments, while a step in the right direction, were still lacking. She said the organisation was disappointed an independent body to review detention orders was not included.   
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: November 16, 2021
    Public law academics, the Centre for Public Integrity, the Human Rights Law Centre, the Law Institute of Victoria, Liberty Victoria, and a growing number of barristers are calling for key amendments to the bill, as well as an independent review of the law a year after its enactment.
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: November 13, 2021
    According to Liberty Victoria, while the bill isn’t perfect, it is “an improvement in regulating the very extensive executive powers that already exist”. It says that under the current state of emergency, there are “few checks or balances on the exercise of state of emergency powers — including by... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: November 12, 2021
    Liberty Victoria has argued for various provisions to be strengthened, but notes that while some people have argued that the bill grants the Premier "unprecedented" power, it is "an improvement in regulating the very extensive executive powers that already exist". Civil liberties peak body Liberty... Read more
