Latest articles and news by Liberty Victoria

  • Press Release
    Post date: November 3, 2021
    Liberty Victoria has published a detailed comment in response to the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021, available on its website. Liberty Victoria welcomes the introduction of pandemic specific legislation with much improved accountability and transparency... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: October 27, 2021
    Liberty Victoria president Julia Kretzenbacher said she did not support the bill being rushed through Parliament, and insisted that the new laws must be “carefully” scrutinised by MPs and the public. “Liberty Victoria is pleased that there will be protection of people’s personal and private data... Read more
  • Press Release
    Post date: October 26, 2021
    Liberty Victoria is concerned about the privacy implications of the new Health Legislation Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2021 which is before the Victorian Parliament. When the Australian Government's Health Records scheme was mooted, extensive consultation took place with civil society... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: October 25, 2021
    Liberty Victoria president Julia Kretzenbacher believes a time limit should be placed on vaccine passports and the government should also consider less-restrictive measures of reducing COVID-19 spread, such as rapid testing. “Coming out of lockdown, limiting access to some non-essential services... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: October 25, 2021
    Liberty Victoria's president, Julia Kretzenbacher interviewed on Triple R From about 27.45
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: October 22, 2021
    Wit With over 70% of Victorians fully vaccinated & projections that 90% will be, we welcome the return of some of our freedoms and the end of some restrictions, incl. the curfew. Here our spokesperson Greg Buchhorn talked to @abcnews about the curfew
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: October 12, 2021
    Many of us understand the importance of speaking out when things are not right; of taking a stand to make a difference, to improve our communities. In June 2020 Dujuan Hoosan was awarded the Liberty Victoria Young Voltaire Human Rights Award. Dujuan was chosen for his courage and determination in... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: October 8, 2021
    Liberty Victoria, a civil and human rights organisation, has also publicly stated that widespread vaccine mandates should be a "last resort" option and that incentives such as vaccine passports were preferable. "The widespread use of mandates should only be used where it is clear that sufficient... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: October 4, 2021
    Liberty Victoria president Julia Kretzenbacher says the pandemic has exposed the weakness of Australia’s human rights protections and the toothless nature of Victoria’s 15-year-old human rights charter, which doesn’t enable individuals to sue for damages when their human rights are unlawfully... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria in the News
    Post date: September 30, 2021
    Victoria Police has suspended an officer who was filmed during an arrest where he appeared to grab a man from behind and swing him to the ground. Barrister and Liberty Victoria president Julia Kretzenbacher wrote on Twitter that it was "unacceptable" behaviour. "VicPol have powers to use force, but... Read more
