Start Date - End Date

Jul 5th, 2023 - Jul 5th, 2023

Start Time - End Time

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Event Location

176 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000


$15 / $10 Concession

Justice, Elders and Culture in the Koori Court

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Liberty Victoria Statement on Lawyers as Human Sources

Liberty Victoria is strongly opposed to the Human Source Management Act 2023 (Vic). We are committed to its repeal.  We are also deeply concerned by the closure of the Office of the Special Investigator.

Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework

It is often said by those who oppose a federal Human Rights Act that there is no need for one. They argue that the human rights of Australians are more than adequately protected by the common law and statute. Anyone remaining of that view will be hard pressed to retain it should they read the comprehensive report on the subject prepared by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) entitled ‘Traditional Rights and Freedoms: Encroachments by Commonwealth Law’ (December 2015).

Review of the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill 2023

Liberty Victoria is grateful for the opportunity to make this submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) review of the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill 2023 (Cth) (the Bill).

Inquiry into human rights framework

Parliamentary Inquiry
into Australia's Human
Rights Framework

Read our submission

Read our evidence

Bail Amendment Delays

Victoria’s broken bail laws need urgent fixing. These harsh laws result in the unnecessary detention of many persons accused of committing low-level minor offences and disproportionately affect First Nations people and women.  In no uncertain terms, the Coroner’s Court has found that these laws are a “complete, unmitigated disaster” which breaches the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.


Review of post-sentence terrorism orders, provided for in Division 105A of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Criminal Code).

This is a joint submission with NSW Council for Civil Liberties.

Liberty Victoria and NSW Council for Civil Liberties acknowledge the importance of protecting the community from acts of terrorism. Terrorism and the threat of terrorism violate the rights to life and security of innocent people. Terrorism is regarded as a crime apart from others as it threatens the very fabric of liberal democracy by utilising violence and fear to further, often fundamentally illiberal, political, religious or ideological goals.

Liberty Victoria Update August 2023

Dear members and supporters,

I’m writing to thank you for your continuing support of Liberty Victoria, and to update you about our recent work. 
