Liberty Victoria Policy on the Right to a Basic Standard of Living

As part of a society which values and promotes human dignity, equality and freedom, a properly functioning social security system — that is, a system which is available, adequate and accessible to all without discrimination— is essential to ensure that all Australians have access to the basic necessities of life.

Liberty Victoria Policy on the Right to a Basic Standard of Living

As part of a society which values and promotes human dignity, equality and freedom, a properly functioning social security system — that is, a system which is available, adequate and accessible to all without discrimination— is essential to ensure that all Australians have access to the basic necessities of life.

The Challenges of Law Reform: In Conversation with Fiona Patten MLC and Sarah Schwartz (VALS)- Monday 7 November

On 7 November, Liberty Victoria's Rights Advocacy Project entered into a conversation with Fiona Patten MLC and Sarah Schwartz on the challenges of law reform.

The video of the event is now available

Watch the video here


About the speakers:

Proposed New Police Powers to Access Personal Devices are Unnecessary and Unfair

Comment on the Major Crime and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2022
1. If enacted the Major Crime and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (Vic) (the Bill) would result in a dangerous expansion of police investigative powers, including the power to compel people to provide access to personal devices.

Systemic Injustice in the Criminal Justice System

This submission responds to the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s Issues Paper 1: Systemic Injustice in the Criminal Justice System.

The following submission focusses on:

(a) The need to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility;

(b) Victoria’s harsh bail laws;

(c) The pitfalls of presumptive and mandatory sentencing; and

(d) The operation and effect of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT).


Comprehensive Review of Australia's Migration System

We are a coalition of lawyers, trade unionists, service providers and advocacy groups with a shared commitment to addressing the effects of precarious and ‘permanently temporary’ visa status. We welcome this opportunity to contribute to the comprehensive review of Australia’s migration system.

