Letter to the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP - Call for Federal Charter of Human Rights included

The Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP
Attorney-General of Australia
By email: attorney@ag.gov.au
8 June 2022

Dear Attorney-General,

Congratulations on Behalf of the Civil Liberties Community in Australia


Liberty Victoria Comment on the Inquiry into Extremism in Victoria

The Victorian Parliament's Legal and Social Issues Committee has published its report on the Inquiry into Extremism in Victoria. It's available here: https://lnkd.in/gKxym4Ub


Criminalising Grossly Offensive Public Conduct

Liberty Victoria is opposed to the proposed new offence of engaging in grossly offensive conduct in public.  It should not become law.

The Bill seeks to respond to particular conduct by Mr Richard Pusey that understandably outraged the community, and in particular his recording of dying police officers.

