Liberty Victoria urges Parliament to reject a flawed and unjustified Migration Bill

The Morrison Government is seeking to re-introduce the Migration Amendment (Strengthening Character Test) Bill 2021 (Cth) (the Bill) — which has already been rejected by Parliament twice because it is unnecessary and will result in unfair outcomes for vulnerable people.

This Bill has been before Parliament for 1,200 days and a number of Parliamentary Inquiries have looked into the Bill and experts have overwhelmingly criticised the bill and recommended that it be rejected. The Senate did just that in October 2021 when it refused to pass the Bill.

Liberty Victoria’s Rights Advocacy Project Calls for a Policy of Equality: Menstrual Leave and Flexible Working Arrangements for All

On Thursday 10 March 2022, Liberty Victoria’s Rights Advocacy Project (RAP) will launch its report, A Policy for Equality: Painful Periods as a Workplace Issue.  The Report shines a spotlight on the discriminatory and non-inclusive treatment of people who menstruate at work, and the social and economic advantages of changing the current approach.

The Report proposes reforms to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and provides policy templates to be implemented by individual organisations and public authorities. 

Liberty Victoria Statement on the Federal Election

Liberty Victoria Statement on the Federal Election

As you are no doubt aware, the Federal Election will be held on 21 May 2022.

Liberty Victoria does not, and will not, endorse any particular political party or candidate. We do, however, make submissions and engage with the community on particular issues. We have, throughout our history, had committee members from across the political spectrum. We receive no Government funding, and depend on volunteers who care deeply about civil liberties and human rights.
