Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Inquiry into Current and Proposed Sexual Consent Laws in Australia - Response to Questions on Notice

1. At the hearing before the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on 26 July
2023, we took questions on notice from Senator Scarr in relation to two topics:
(1) The directions on consent that are given in Victoria; and
(2) The submission of Professor Quilter and Dr McNamara, and examples of

2. These issues will be considered in turn. Where possible this document provides
hyperlinks to relevant statutory provisions and other material.

Submission in Response to Discussion Paper 'Scoping the Establishment of a Federal Judicial Commission'

As the discussion paper acknowledges, the judiciary represents an important arm of the Australian constitutional system. Amongst other things, it is responsible for upholding the rule of law and dispensing justice. Predominantly, it achieves this by resolving controversies according to law without fear or favour.

The Referendum

The Referendum

On 15 October 2023, the day after the referendum, we’ll awake to one of two possible Australias. One where – against the current polls – we’ve accepted the gracious invitation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and have taken an important step towards reconciliation. Another where, at a time of economic uncertainty and social media echo chambers, we find ourselves still the Lucky Country as Donald Horne meant it – isolated, complacent, and ever resistant to big ideas.

Liberty Victoria – Youth Verdict Co-Directors win Young Voltaire Award

Liberty Victoria – Youth Verdict Co-Directors win Young Voltaire Award

Start Date - End Date

Nov 10th, 2023 - Nov 10th, 2023

Start Time - End Time

7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Event Location

Sofitel Hotel, Melbourne


$145 to $1900

Liberty Victoria Voltaire Human Rights Awards 2023

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Civil liberties councils support the case for YES

Statement from Michael Cope, President of the Queensland Council of Civil Liberties, Josh Pallas, President of New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties, and Michael Stanton as President of Liberty Victoria.

Strengthening Victoria's Anti-Vilification Laws

This submission concerns the problem of harms caused by vilification and proposes ways to prevent or deal with those harms and those who cause them. It begins with the 2019–20 parliamentary inquiry—the Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee’s Inquiry into Anti-Vilification Protections—and its report on that Inquiry tabled in March 2021 (the “Committee Report” or just “Report” for short).

Liberty Victoria Members Week

Dear Members and Supporters of Liberty Victoria,

I’m pleased to say that this year we’re launching “Members Week”. Keep an eye out for quotes from current and former members of Liberty Victoria on the value of membership, including the below from Sister Brigid Arthur AO.

Voltaire Human Rights Awards Dinner

We’re pleased to announce that Nick McKenzie, award-winning investigative journalist and author of “Crossing the Line:

The explosive inside story behind the Ben Roberts-Smith headlines” will be speaking at the Voltaire Human Rights Awards Dinner on 10 November 2023 at the Sofitel Melbourne. 

Tickets have been selling fast, you can book here:
