Statement of Concern – Media and Political Commentary on Direction 99

Recent political and media attacks on legal procedures governing visa cancellation are of immense concern. They threaten the rule of law and the integrity of institutions and outcomes. The Tribunal is an expert body established by the Government as a vital check on administrative decision-making power. Attacks like these impair that function. It is fundamentally necessary that institutions like the Tribunal are independent and able to perform its role without intimidation or influence. 

Liberty Victoria and the Rights Advocacy Project - Statement on proposed expansion to police designated area search powers

Liberty Victoria and the Rights Advocacy Project are deeply concerned about the proposal to expand Victoria Police’s existing designated area search powers under the Control of Weapons Act 1990, which allow for the stopping and searching of any individual in a specific area without a warrant or any reasonable grounds.

Voltaire Award Winner 2024



Statement on Police Disclosure in Criminal Proceedings

Liberty Victoria is deeply concerned by recent reports in The Guardian of a 15-year-old child being charged with murder and remanded in custody for almost a year on the basis of fundamentally flawed evidence in circumstances where police had failed to disclose relevant and exculpatory evidence. The case highlights ongoing issues of Victoria Police failing to properly abide by its duty of disclosure. Disclosure is of fundamental importance in every case, however it is gravely worrying that Victoria Police failed to abide by their obligations in circumstances where a child was being held in custody as a result of, in Justice Hollingworth’s words, a “corrupted process”.

Inquiry into Right Wing Extremist Movements in Australia (Response to Questions on Notice)

On 17 June 2024, we had the honour of giving evidence for the Inquiry into Right Wing Extremist Movements in Australia to the Commonwealth Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee (the Committee).

When giving evidence we took three questions on notice:

(1) Responding to the submission by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) on the topic of encrypted messaging services;

(2) The extent of limits that may be placed on speech to prevent and deter hate speech and violent extremism; and

Statement on Proposed Immunity for Those Involved in the Lawyer X Scandal

It is a fundamental principle of the rule of law that no one is above the law. The law must apply equally to all of us, including those given power over citizens to act on behalf of the State. 

Liberty Victoria is deeply concerned that the Allan Government intends to make those involved in the Lawyer X scandal immune from civil and criminal proceedings. 

LGBTQIA+ people deserve protection from discrimination

Liberty Victoria is disappointed by reports that the Federal Government has abandoned plans to introduce religious discrimination laws into Parliament. It is reported that as part of the abandoned plans, promises to protect LGBTIQA+ teachers and students have also been shelved.
If the Albanese Government reneges on its promise, religious organisations will retain the right to discriminate against LGBTQIA+ people under federal law. 

Liberty Victoria Supports Murphy’s Law

The late Peta Murphy was a Committee Member of Liberty Victoria for years where she advocated for human rights. She continued that work in Parliament, including her advocacy for gambling reform and highlighting the harmful effects of gambling advertising.

Gambling can be addictive. When it is, it tears up families, causes financial hardship, mental health issues and sometimes those addicted to gambling end up committing offences to feed their habit.
