Australians have voted YES by a bigger margin than the 2PP vote at any recent federal election. This is a cause for great celebration, of course, but what happens next? There is a lot more to be...
November 14, 2017
Liberty Victoria Updates
The studied indifference of Australia’s leaders to the abandonment of refugees on Manus Island is becoming a permanent stain on this country’s name, the human rights body Liberty Victoria said today...
November 1, 2017
Press Release
This was a combined submission of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Liberty Victoria, Queensland Council for Civil Liberties, South Australian Council for Civil Liberties and the Australian...
October 31, 2017
This was a combined submission of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Liberty Victoria, Queensland Council for Civil Liberties, South Australian Council for Civil Libertiesand the Australian Council...
October 30, 2017
AGM 2017 We are delighted that Brian Bourke AM, Melbourne's longest serving barrister, will be the speaker at our Annual General Meeting this year. On this the 50th anniversary of the last person to...
October 26, 2017
Event Calendar
Liberty Victoria is one of 83 organisations and experts from 5 nations demanding “Five Eyes” respect strong encryption. On Friday 30 June 2017, 83 organisations and individuals from Australia, Canada...
October 24, 2017
Press Release
The Bill amends the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) to empower the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection to ban mobile phones and other items in immigration detention centres. It also expands...
October 20, 2017
All governments in Australia should heed the High Court’s decision upholding the right of peaceful protest, Liberty Victoria said today. “The decision in favour of Bob Brown must give heart to those...
October 18, 2017
Press Release
October 10, 2017
Liberty Victoria in the News
The revelation that under new laws 10-year-olds could be held without charge for a fortnight shows politicians are badly failing to defend freedom while claiming to uphold it. In making this comment...
October 7, 2017
Press Release
