Liberty Victoria made a comprehensive submission in June 2017 on why the Sentencing Amendment (Sentencing Standards) Bill 2017 (Vic) is unnecessary and threatens to undermine the separation of powers...
August 10, 2017
Liberty Victoria is opposed to the Crimes Amendment (Ramming of Police Vehicles) Bill 2017 (“the Bill”). We note that the Bill has been introduced by the Coalition Opposition. There is simply no need...
August 10, 2017
We support the Commonwealth Government’s commitment to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT). The...
August 7, 2017
Time did not permit Liberty Victoria to address in full all aspects of the Terms of Reference for this Inquiry. Our concerns therefore centred on “3 — The relationship between the freedom of religion...
August 7, 2017
Nancy MacLean – Democracy in Chains #AlanMissenOration #mwf17 Discover the hidden backstory of the American radical right’s political agenda. Nancy MacLean exposes the six-decade-long strategy...
August 2, 2017
Event Calendar
RAP Trivia 2017 SOLD OUT! Dust off your encyclopedias and get your competitive spirits flowing because after a sell-out success last year, Liberty Victoria's Rights Advocacy Project Trivia is back...
July 27, 2017
Event Calendar
Liberty Victoria supports the Supreme Court’s objective of minimising delay in the criminal justice system, particularly in the period between charge and the listing of trial. However, Liberty’s view...
June 14, 2017
