Civil liberties organisation Liberty Victoria said there were “chronic problems” with the current registration regimen. These included the rapidly expanding number of registrants, the absence of...
April 13, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria opposes changes to the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) (Crimes Act) to deal specifically with ‘Grab and Drag’ offences. As noted in Issues Paper I, there are many indictable offences in the...
April 1, 2021
Liberty Victoria president Julia Kretzenbacher described the government’s legal argument in the court as a “radical shift in policy” and a “shocking and unprecedented development, indicating complete...
March 29, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Prominent civil liberties lawyer Julian Burnside said refugees in hotel and offshore detention were being treated worse than criminals. "Every human being has the right to seek asylum," he said. "Why...
March 28, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria concerned about Morrison Government being prepared to send refugees back to countries where they face a real risk of death, torture or persecution In a recent Federal Court...
March 25, 2021
Press Release
Liberty Victoria president Julia Kretzenbacher welcomed the move. “Liberty Victoria is incredibly happy that this Bill has passed,” she said. “Victorians now have the same rights as other Australians...
March 18, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
  Liberty Victoria is concerned about data security following the part-privatisation of VicRoads. The data that will become available to private enterprise will be very broad and Liberty Victoria is...
March 16, 2021
Press Release
Justice Legislation Amendment (System Enhancements and Other Matters) Bill 2021  Liberty Victoria's submission was cited three times in Hansard  
March 16, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
The Victorian Government has finally published an application process for holding large protest events under COVID.  Here’s what you need to know. MALS and Liberty Victoria have been calling for...
March 16, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Civil society has been “completely sidelined and ignored” in the inquiry into the government’s proposed new hacking powers, after no civil or digital rights groups were invited to the only public...
March 15, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
