Read our submission to the @VLRC inquiry into Improving the Response of the Justice System to Sexual Offences. Liberty Victoria calls for careful rights-based reform and the introduction of a...
February 3, 2021
Liberty Victoria's submission response and press release were quoted in the Victorian Government's report - Inquiry into the Victorian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic released in early...
February 2, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria's Julia Kretzenbacher said she hoped Victoria would learn from the tower lockdown and other instances where the balance between state power and human rights came into focus. Of...
January 24, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
The campaign in support of tennis player, who briefly resurfaced after she went missing following public allegations she was sexually assaulted by former Chinese vice-premier Zhang Gaoli, was backed...
January 24, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
The campaign in support of tennis player, who briefly resurfaced after she went missing following public allegations she was sexually assaulted by former Chinese vice-premier Zhang Gaoli, was backed...
January 24, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
President of Liberty Victoria Julia Kretzenbacher said they believed the current offences covered the type of conduct targeted by the proposed laws. “A ‘grab and drag’ offence would unnecessarily...
January 23, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria Calls on Government to find COVID-safe ways for Protest Activity   Liberty Victoria is disappointed in the Premier’s reported comments this week that now is not the time to be...
January 22, 2021
Press Release
Liberty Victoria President Julia Kretzenbacher called on the government to review the fines that had already been paid, in the interest of fairness. "We need the response to COVID-19 to be health-...
January 18, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Human rights advocates say they are “very worried” for Victorians stranded in ‘red zones’ interstate. The state government recently introduced a ‘traffic light’ permit system for anyone wishing to...
January 13, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
 Liberty Victoria has suggested the state government’s approach may not be proportionate and that it may unduly interfere with individuals’ human rights.
January 13, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
