Government, Regulation and Equality

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The Right Honourable Tony Benn MP once famously remarked ‘the way a government treats refugees is very instructive because it shows you how they would treat the rest of us if they thought they could...
May 3, 2021
Press Release
Some advocates are also questioning whether the ban could potentially be a violation of Australia's international law obligations. "The section that the minister has made the emergency direction...
May 2, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
"There is a very big difference between people wanting to hand over photos of their weekend via Instagram and giving very sensitive information to government in a way that could be used against them...
April 22, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
They are trying to establish the federal government has a ‘duty of care’ in protecting future generations from the climateaggedon.  Featuring Liberty Victoria's very own Sr Brigid Arthur.
March 5, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Eight teenagers and an octogenarian nun head to an Australian court on Tuesday to launch what they hope will prove to be a landmark case – one that establishes the federal government’s duty of care...
March 2, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Sister Brigid, Liberty Victoria Policy Committee Member,  a teacher for many years, said she wanted to give young people the opportunity to make change, and she was struck by the teenagers’ passion...
February 28, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
 “It’s preposterous that Facebook has left in place accounts which share false information or conspiracy theories, while blocking vital health, government and emergency service sites,” LIberty...
February 18, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
The ability of charity groups and non-government advocacy bodies to freely speak on political issues is therefore a key component of a healthy democracy. In this submission, Liberty Victoria...
February 12, 2021
Liberty Victoria's submission response and press release were quoted in the Victorian Government's report - Inquiry into the Victorian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic released in early...
February 2, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
The campaign in support of tennis player, who briefly resurfaced after she went missing following public allegations she was sexually assaulted by former Chinese vice-premier Zhang Gaoli, was backed...
January 24, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
