Government, Regulation and Equality

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Apart from the legal issues, some experts say the mandatory approach is misguided. Liberty Victoria president Julia Kretzenbacher said promoting vaccine passports is better than forcing people to get...
September 23, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
  Julia Kretzenbacher is a barrister and the President of Liberty Victoria. She said yes, it's legal, as long as it's based on health advice. "The Chief Health Officer and the Victorian Public Health...
September 23, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria’s position on COVID-19 vaccines generally COVID-19 has seen unprecedented restrictions on the human rights of Victorians. Where limitations on human rights are a proportionate...
September 22, 2021
Press Release
Gemma Cafarella discusses the shutdown of the Melbourne CBD in preparation for a planned protest is a proportionate response with Neil Mitchell of 3AW Her interview is on at the 1.40 mark of the show...
September 17, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Lawyer Gemma Cafarella from civil liberties group Liberty Victoria said while they did not support large-scale gatherings during the pandemic, the shutdown of the CBD was going too far. “There is an...
September 16, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria said it was concerned Victoria Police's "military-style tactics" could be normalised and deployed against "future responsible protests". "We are also worried that shutting down...
September 16, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
The Victorian Council for Civil Liberties has criticised the decision in a public statement on Twitter, describing the shutdown as "military-style". "As COVID numbers continue to rise, we do not...
September 15, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Liberty Victoria is concerned that businesses sourcing labour from the on-demand workforce may be doing so in order to obfuscate the reality of their relationships with workers, and to exploit the...
September 7, 2021
Liberty Victoria president Julia Kretzenbacher called on the state government to release expert advice which led to the closure of playgrounds, saying any restrictions needed to be proportionate. She...
August 19, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
Experts say it’s extremely difficult to work out what effect an overnight curfew had on reducing Melbourne’s case numbers during its second wave last year, but say it is likely the reintroduced...
August 18, 2021
Liberty Victoria in the News
