Latest articles and news by Liberty Victoria

  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    2007 ‘Capital punishment’ 10 October 2007 ‘Minister Andrews hits a new low’ 8 October 2007 ‘Australians should be alert and alarmed at police powers to censor the Internet’ 25 September 2007 ‘Dr Haneef's visa cancellation’ 16 July 2007 ‘Assisted reproductive technology and adoption’ 14... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    14 June 2007 LIBERTY welcomes the Government's and the VLRC's emphasis on the need to accord the rights of children paramount importance. This is an important principle of international law and human rights. Current laws on ART and adoption do not obey this principle, but pander to out-dated... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    16 July 2007 THE decision of Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews to cancel Dr Haneef's visa is a scandalous abuse of power. Under the Migration Act, a non-citizen who does not have a visa must be detained until they obtain a visa or until they are removed from Australia. The effect of Andrews'... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    25 September 2007 LIBERTY Victoria expresses its alarm about the introduction of the Communications Legislation Amendment (Crime or Terrorism Related Content) Bill 2007. Introduced by Federal Communications Minister Helen Coonan, this Bill allows the Australian Federal Police to decide what... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    8 October 2007 LIBERTY Victoria expresses its dismay at Minister Andrews’ attack on Sudanese refugees. Julian Burnside QC, President of Liberty Victoria, said “The Sudanese come from a region of the world where the US Congress and President George W Bush have urged tough action, describing the... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    10 October 2007 WHEN Van Nguyen was hanged in Singapore, many Australians were shocked and outraged. Today is "World Day Against the Death Penalty". Opposition to capital punishment cannot be selective. We lose credibility internationally when we argue that Australians are in a special category and... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    15 February 2008 LIBERTY Victoria is concerned about the Government’s proposed changes to FOI. “One can understand the frustration of Government Departments with repeated requests by members of the public for information about Government decisions. However, it must also be understood that such... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    5 May 2008 A CENTRALISED student register compelling all Victorian students under the age of 25 to be allocated a uniform student number and monitored by authorities, is unnecessary, unjustifiable and may constitute a threat to students’ privacy according to senior members of the Victorian Council... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    14 May 2008 POLICE booze bus operations are being used by other agencies to enforce laws that have got nothing to do with drink driving. Recent reports suggest that booze bus operations in the northern suburbs of Melbourne are also attended by: agents of the Sheriff's Office, checking for... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    Anne O'Rourke, 23 June 2008 It has been claimed by some religious groups that the Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) has ignored the views of the majority in its Final Report on the Law of Abortion. Indeed letters in The Age (June 3, 2008) by Nicholas Tonti-Filippini and Teresa Martin attack... Read more
