Latest articles and news by Liberty Victoria

  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    Michael Pearce SC, 13 August 2008 NEW technologies and the complexity of modern society have made great inroads into the privacy we once enjoyed. These developments are largely irreversible and will only continue apace. We should, however, try to ensure that they occur in a legal environment that... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    5 June 2008 VICTORIA Legal Aid has cut the Fitzroy Legal Service practice funding by 40%. This will mean that the Fitzroy Legal Service is able to help 400 fewer clients each year. Fitzroy Legal Service has operated a casework practice for over thirty years. It does a large amount of legally aided... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    9 September 2008 LIBERTY Victoria supports the Victorian Government’s measures to decriminalize abortion. “Regulation of abortion should be like any other medical procedure,” Anne O’Rourke, Vice-President of Liberty Victoria, said, “Liberty Victoria welcomes the Brumby Government’s move to... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 2, 2009
    2 September 2008 LIBERTY Victoria has expressed its dismay at the behaviour of the Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, and former Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews in the Haneef affair. It has called for the resignation of Commissioner Keelty. Julian Burnside QC, President of... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 1, 2009
    ‘Liberty Victoria leadership changes’ 17 December 2008 ‘Commonwealth human rights inquiry’ 10 December 2008 ‘Trial by media of Theo Theophanous’ 16 October 2008 ‘Time to decriminalise abortion’ 9 September 2008 ‘Keelty must go’ 2 September 2008 ‘Funding cut for Fitzroy Legal Service will... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 1, 2009
    16 October 2008 LIBERTY Victoria has expressed disquiet about the trial by media of State Parliamentarian Theo Theophanous. Liberty President, Julian Burnside QC, said there was a grave risk that Mr Theophanous could not receive a fair trial because of prejudicial media reporting of the allegations... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 1, 2009
    10 December 2008 THE President of Liberty Victoria, Michael Pearce SC, today welcomed the announcement by the Commonwealth Attorney-General, Mr McClelland, of a consultation on the protection of human rights in Australia. “This inquiry is an opportunity for all Australians to take part in a... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: February 1, 2009
    The Alan Missen Prize is named after the late Liberal senator Alan Missen and is awarded by the Alan Missen Trust for the most outstanding essay on Australian civil liberties. Consider the derogation clause (article 4) and the ‘margin of appreciation’ under the ICCPR, discuss Australia’s... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: January 30, 2009
    2010 Jessie Taylor 'Out to sea: Refugee policy under the Rudd Government'. Jessie Taylor Committee Member 2009 'Battle to open 600-patron bar' The Age, 24 September 2009 'Greens boss wins peace prize', 23 September 2009 'Thwarting Jihad' The Australian, 17 September 2009 '... Read more
  • Liberty Victoria Updates
    Post date: January 30, 2009
